Breed Information
General information for owners, breeders and judges

List of all litters registered in UK
Check out breeder history, number of puppies per dam and sire

BVA/KC Hip Dysplasia Scheme
Hip Scoring is a requirement for all dogs that are being bred from under the Breed Clubs’ Code of Ethics and the KC’s Assured Breeder Scheme.
BVA/KC/ISDS Eye testing scheme
Eye testing is a requirement for all dogs that are being bred from under the Breed Club’s Code of Ethics and the KC’s Assured Breeder Scheme

A DNA test is available to establish the PRCD-1 PRA status for Finnish Lapphunds

Search results
A number of health results not covered by the KC records have been made available in the public domain, either direct to the breed clubs or reported via social media, these are listed and can be searched by condition or dog
Finnish Lapphund UK Health survey
To enable us to monitor the health of the breed in the UK we ask that owners of UK owners complete a health survey for each dog owned by them, and hope that breeders will share the link to any puppy owners who may not be members of the breed clubs – the results will be collated by the Breed Health Coordinator and a report compiled and shared on this site.